Friday, June 27, 2008

The Way of The Web? Or Natural Progression

The way to get our attention today as compared to yesterday, last year, a decade ago, has moved from the lemonade stand at the end of the driveway, to an ad in the newspaper, to a website with pictures and a few descriptions, to the ultimate visual--video "commercials" online. It's not likely that many of us have managed to keep up with how fast a message gets delivered or how thoroughly we must "keep up with the Joneses" just to be heard.

At my house, we like to rent old TV shows. Watching Miami Vice, it seems incredible how the good guys (and the bad guys) managed their jobs with no cell phones or Google. You could call it a simpler time when using your wits and your resources was the norm. Even looking at how many wonderful inventions and services we now take for granted for using in our daily connections, there is still room for learning and adapting to new challenges.

In the past, I could print out a basic, double fold, self designed newsletter to send to my clients (I had a portrait photography studio). In time, it took a slicker newsletter, professional printed, to keep up with the image my clients came to expect. With other studios copying my efforts, I always resorted to "the newest and next big thing" to keep my competition jumping. Many did not take the time to learn how or to implement the techniques that makes clients take notice and I was determined to out do any imitations of my business.

Today, websites have reached a point that there is either too much going on (music intros, lots of flash, girating images) or bland (a header, some sales copy, and maybe a product or two). Take into account the differences in the builder/owner/designer of these sites. Someone who loves to show off their technical skills (but may lack marketing skills) can sometimes go a little overboard. Sometimes the owner of a site has no skills to build it and doesn't know any better than to contract a designer to have "carte blanche" to create their baby. Or a do it yourselfer may pick a template for economy of time and skills and gets too generic.

Enter today's stand out in this crowd of over/under done online businesses---the online video. Another adaptation to accomplish! When life stops throwing you challenges or you stop catching them, you are either retired or the alternative.... Over the next few weeks, I will be studying this phenomena and taking the challenge to learn how I can do this myself. Not to age myself, but I remember (in the "old days"??) when personal video meant 8 feet of tether cable to the 50 pound VCR recorder box to tape my son at play. Now I can make a video on my laptop and add it to my website just like the big boys at Turner Broadcasting do every day---well, good enough for selling my products. That's the point, isn't it? I already learned how to send personal images--who'd a thunk this would work for a business? It ain't YouTube because it's better.

Subscribe to my blog and follow along as I tell you about my adventure in 21st century advertising, online video style....who knows, you might tell your kids you were there in the "old days" when video was a new idea online.

"Today is a gift--that's why they call it the Present".

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Finding Products Wholesale the Easy Way

Boy, did that title make me think--never have I thought of locating wholesale suppliers for my business an easy task. Until this last week.

The A#1 problem that ANY one has on the first day is "what the heck do I sell?" followed closely by the next question "what the heck is selling?". I have found more than just a tool for discovering both answers.

In the past, I bought every $47 software that came my way, touted as the savior of my search for wholesale products and suppliers. I admit, the first ones got me a leg up over doing everything manually, if there is such a thing. I was able to determine a few niches that looked promising but only after giving the software up to several hours to sweep the internet and give me results--often not very useful and tedious to wait for.
Then there was the one that based its data on what was selling on eBay. Well, while there are a lot of people making great sales with that model, I am just not an eBay person (comments welcomed but I am not ready to be converted :-).

Flash forward to this week and picture my astonished face when I got a series of videos from my old friends at World Wide Brands...and how I must have wanted to look over my shoulder and see if these guys were listening to me grumble about my product searches. They have completely filled in the blanks (my head still has plenty of blanks but at least these were filled to overflowing!), giving me not only the tools to find what to sell and what sells, but the tremendous amount of support is more than I have ever seen. They have been there all along but very quietly raising a voice I was grateful to be hearing (or should that be seeing since it came by way of video?). Just the blog posts alone contained an entire webinar or ecourse on getting started the best way possible in making money online.
But the reason for my ravings and accolades will be obvious when you read the blog posts or see the videos. And forgive me for telling you so late--the Whole$ale training and resource addition to the membership is on SALE today. I wish I could have given you a heads up sooner but I am not an internet marketer who jumps on the "get it before it's gone" bandwagon. This is definitely a personal recommendation. At the very least, get the membership info. It is worth gold.
If you really have struggled as I have to figure out the mystery of getting products to sell, especially those that are NOT info products someone is pushing, you owe it to yourself to listen to what this company has to offer.
I give it an A#1 approval rating...
Check it out here.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Greetings! First let me tell you my purpose here.

After two years of teaching myself how to start internet businesses, I have finally cracked the "code" and found my way. I can now literally have a business idea and follow it through to launch in a short period of time.
Though there are a lot of ecommerce instructors out there, it is always the path one must take to learn who and what to learn and to believe. As I make my journey through the good and the bad, the failures and the successes, I hope you will follow me along side while I bear it all to save someone else the pain of struggling--to avoid my mistakes or decide if my successes are repeatable. Only an entrepreneur would think that a lousy climb up the ladder would be "fun". Keep me balanced and maybe somewhere along the way, I can be your boost when you need it or your reason to say "I told you so" and not have it backfire on you.
Till the next reason to whatever you desire.